experience FAMILY / Parco del Mincio


Strada Bertone Colarina, Goito (MN)
Explore Bertone Park, the park of a thousand trees and white storks, a sort of “natural airport” for storks in the heart of the Prati Stabili. White storks can be seen waiting to take-off in the nests they’ve created on the top of both native and exotic trees, trees which can be up to 150 years old, and on the roofs of the three nineteenth-century buildings which adorn the park. 
Seasonal opening (spring and summer) on public holidays.


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info & contacts

Parco del Mincio


Piazza Porta Giulia, 10 – 46100 Mantova (MN)

Tel 0376 391550 – Fax 0376 362657



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