experience FAMILY / Roverbella


As in the Prati Stabili, and also as in the paddy fields and in the cultivation of fruit trees, water is a specific central theme in the re-establishment of a conscious, balanced relationship with the landscape. 
This principle is followed by the Riseria F.lli Schiavi, the oldest Mantuan rice-mill still in business. Dating all the way back to 1687, it was built by the Gonzaga family of Mantua and then passed on to the Marquises of Canossa. The company has maintained an artisanal process (all the machines are driven by leather belts, for example, and the rice is treated by turning the grindstone) and is managed directly by the owner.

other EXPERIENCES in this place

experience CYCLE / Roverbella PERMANENT PASTURES A route which takes in the municipalities of Goito, Marmirolo, Porto Mantovano, Roverbella and Volta Mantovana to explore the

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experience GARDA / Roverbella TORTELLO DI PESCA DE.CO.AND GRANA DEI PRATI STABILI The world of Roverbella intersects with that of the Prati Stabili when it

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